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How soon before class should I arrive?

Arrive 5-10 minutes early so that you have time to fill out release, get situated and settled before class begins.


Where do I park?

When visiting the Wellness Center on Pearl Street, there is metered parking in front of building, parking lots to the south and parking ramp located across the street from the studio. 

The Yoga Studio is now located at 1014 Design Place (in Design West Sioux City, look for the big smokestack building between 3rd and 4th street) You can park on 3rd street or in the State Steel Parking Lot. We understand parking/construction can be tricky and cause students to be late to class. Please be mindful when entering Design West after class has started. In the event you need to leave early, please move quietly, preferably before or after savasana.


What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.

Yoga is practiced barefoot. Please remove your socks.


Should I bring anything with me?

Props such as blocks, straps, blankets and bolsters are available for you to use during class. Studio mats are available if you don’t own your own.


Am I allowed to bring my cell phone to class?

Please do not bring cell phones or other electronic devices into classes. We ask all phones be on silent while in the reception area. 


Will my picture be taken during class?

Evolve will occasionally take photos or videos in classes and special events for marketing and promotional purposes. By signing the waiver prior to your first visit, all students give permission to have their image used in any advertising or promotional material. If you have reservations around your photo being used, please address this with the teacher.


A note to Self

Always be good to yourself. Listen to your own body and follow what your personal needs are at all times. Never push yourself beyond your limits. Trust your intuition. Use your breath as your guide. If you cannot breathe smoothly and deeply, you may be working too hard. No one knows you like you! Be mindful throughout your whole practice. This mindfulness will grow in you and eventually extend out into your everyday life, allowing you to take your yoga off the mat!


Get Started

Head to our schedule here and book your first class! Ask us questions on the phone at 712-898-4286 or email for a response within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends.


Technical Support

Use CHROME as your preferred browser.

evolve yoga and wellness center massage therapy

Visit us!

Yoga Studio @ 1014 Design Place

Sioux City, IA 51104

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Photography by Sarah Gill Photography and Kessel Kreations

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